Teens4Unity Zero Hunger Challenge

The United Nations together set 17 important goals to accomplish by 2030 to make the world a better place. One of them is ZERO HUNGER, and the United Nations want us Teens4Unity from all over the world to help. Together we can ensure that no one in the world will ever have to suffer hunger.

On Saturday 24th July, 2021, an international virtual meeting was held by Teens4Unity to set up an international committee. Teenagers from different countries were able to share what they have already done for the Zero Hunger challenge and explore new ideas. An amazing opportunity: from Venezuela to Spain, Portugal, Corea, Pakistan, India…

Our Maltese representative was Maya Ungaro, 14 years old, who explained the poverty situation in Malta and shared a video about the various Zero Hunger Challenge activities the local Teens4Unity held over the last couple of years.

Teens4Unity Malta


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