The Focolare Movement, present everywhere in the world, is like a vast and varied family. It began in 1943 during the Second World War as a current of spiritual and social renewal.
‘A people born from the Gospel,’ is how it was defined by its founder Chiara Lubich (1920-2008), a charismatic and significant woman of the 20th century.
Its purpose: to work cooperatively to build a more united world, following the inspiration of Jesus’ prayer to the Father ‘May they all be one’ (Jn 17:21), respecting and valuing diversity. It focuses on dialogue as a method, has a constant commitment to building bridges and relationships of fraternity among individuals, peoples and cultural worlds.
Persons of every age, vocation, religion, conviction and culture belong to the Focolare.
Download information kit – Focolare Movement
Official website Focolare Movement International Website