The response was immediate

Experiences related to the Covid-19 situation that we are living as a nation and globally.

I know what I’ll do. I’ll give her my computer

I was taking part in an online meeting during and at one point a friend shared about a family who was going through some financial problems. Their daughter needed a computer so that during the covid-19 situation she could continue following lessons from home. As a teacher, I really took this to heart. How could I help her?

“I know what I’ll do,” I thought. “I’ll give her my computer and I’ll just use the laptop.” Before giving it to her, there was something that needed to be fixed and although it wasn’t easy to find someone to fix it, in the end I succeeded and I was able to give it to her in the best condition possible so that she could start working on it right away. This girl was very happy, but I was happy too.


We found out that their TV set was broken

We have been friends with a Syrian family for years. The couple with their four children had left Aleppo due to the war and now live in Malta as refugees. The father is currently doing some work overseas, but the wife and four children are here: they live in an apartment that was put at their disposal by a couple who live the spirituality of unity.

We have always sought to be close to this family and so ever since the pandemic broke out, we often contacted them to see if they were okay and whether they needed any food. We asked if the children needed anything, mainly because of the online lessons being conducted by the school. In one of the phone calls we learned that their television set was broken. We circulated the news and the response was immediate.  Within three days a television was delivered to their home; someone had a mobile TV that they were willing to donate.


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